Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Introduction to Blog

I have created this blog to just share my knowledge on JAVA in "Simply Easy Learning" way.

I'am putting my best effort to make this blog worth for every single moment you spend on the website. If you think it is worth to visit this website, kindly share it with your friends and colleagues.

Please ask me any questions regarding java so that i can give answers through my posts.

Introduction to JAVA:

Java is great programming language for the development of enterprise grade applications.This programming language was  developed as a part of the Green project at Sun started by James Gosling .This programming Language is evolved from a language named Oak. Oak was developed in the early nineties at Sun Microsystems as a platform-independent language aimed at allowing entertainment appliances such as video game consoles and VCRs to communicate . Oak was first slated to appear in television set-top boxes designed to provide video-on-demand services. Oak was unsuccessful so in 1995 Sun changed the name to Java and modified the language to take advantage of the burgeoning World Wide Web.

Java is an object-oriented language, and this is very similar to C++. Java Programming Language is simplified to eliminate language features that cause common programming errors. Java source code files are compiled into a format called bytecode, which can then be executed by a Java interpreter.

Java runs on a variety of platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS, and the various versions of UNIX. This tutorial gives a complete understanding on Java.

History Of Java:

1990: Sun Microsystems decided to develop special software that could be used to manipulate consumer electronic devices. A team of Sun Microsystems   programmers headed by James Gosling was formed to undertake this task.

1991: After exploring the possibility of using the most popular object-oriented language C++, the team announced a new language named "Oak";

1992: The team, known as Green Project team by Sun, demonstrated the application of their new languages to control a list of home appliances using a hand- held  device with a tiny touch sensitive screen.

1993: The World Wide Web (WWW) appeared on the Internet and transformed the text based Internet into a graphical environment. The Green Project team came up        with the idea of developing Web applets (tiny programs) using the new language that could run on all types of computers connected to Internet

1994: The team developed a Web however called "HotJava" to locate and run applet program on Internet. HotJava demonstrated the power of the new language, thus it instantly popular among the Internet users.

1995: Oak was renamed "Java", due to some legal snags. Java is just a name and is not an acronym. Many popular companies including Netscape and Microsoft announced their support to Java.

1996: Java established itself not only as a leader for Internet programming but also as a general purpose, object-oriented programming language. Java found  its home.


Thank You....Balakrishna